
About Me

Hi! I’m Amber Diehm Heuer (pronounced: deem hoyer) and I’d love to share my journey with you. It’s a story that has led me to a place of light, purpose, and profound connection.

Early Awakening

My journey began in my teenage years when a tragedy altered the course of my life. The death and loss of my dad in a tractor accident triggered deep questions about spirituality and the nature of our existence. I embarked on a quest to explore beyond conventional beliefs, seeking solace in the realm of angels.

Exploration and Self-Discovery

As a young adult, my curiosity about psychic-mediums grew, leading me to my first reading with a psychic. This experience opened a door to a world of possibility and ignited my curiosity about the uncharted territories of the human spirit.

Awakening My Own Abilities

Around 2010, a period of deep depression and anxiety led me to visit my psychic friend for another reading. It was during this session that I received a revelation. I was told that I possessed psychic abilities of my own, and I was invited and encouraged to nurture them. Within a matter of months, I was offering psychic readings to others, paving the way for a transformative career shift.

Connecting Mind, Heart, Body + Soul

My journey toward understanding spirituality in a holistic way continued as I pursued certification as an Usui Reiki Master-Teacher. Through these classes, I uncovered the intricate connection between the mind, heart, body, and soul. It was this insight that inspired me to explore the dimensions of healing and well-being on a more profound level.

Empowering Transformation

Eager to support others on their journeys, I expanded my knowledge by earning certification as an Integrative Wellness & Life Coach. This additional expertise allowed me to guide individuals through transformative processes and empower them to realize their full potential.

Creating Community

During my year of Usui Reiki training, I recognized the importance of community and support for individuals like myself seeking spiritual connections. This realization prompted me to establish the Women in Spiritual Entrepreneurship Circle, a group that aimed to unite women spiritual entrepreneurs in Iowa and provide a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences in running a spiritual business.

Soul Bright Visionary Unveiled

Today, I’m a Spiritual Life + Business Guide through my business, Soul Bright Visionary LLC. My greatest joy lies in helping those who are spiritually open-minded explore, connect, and grow. I’m passionate about assisting individuals in discovering creative and aligned ways to use their unique life experiences, skills, passions, and soul gifts in service to themselves and the world.

Holistic Iowa

In 2023, I launched Holistic Iowa, a platform connecting Iowans with local holistic, wellness, and spiritual providers and events. This endeavor is part of my ever-evolving and deeply aligned journey.

My Mash-Up of Passions

My work is a harmonious blend of pursuing dreams, nurturing curiosity, living playfully and lovingly, and connecting with the spirit and spirituality. It’s about creating activities, programs, and events that cultivate personal and spiritual exploration and development, which I’m truly passionate about. Through my work, I can share and serve locally, in-person, and virtually with people all over the world.


I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, where I was especially interested in psychology and bereavement. For over a decade, I dedicated myself to non-profit organizations, serving in work related to poverty, food insecurity, animal welfare, and international education. I’ve had the privilege of meeting countless individuals whose stories, dreams, and hearts inspired me to share my blessings as best I can.

My certifications include:

  • Usui Reiki Master-Teacher
  • Violet Flame Reiki Master-Teacher
  • Kundalini Reiki Master-Teacher
  • Isis Seichim Reiki Master-Teacher
  • Money Reiki Master-Teacher
  • Holy Fire III Reiki Master-Teacher
  • Animal Reiki Master-Teacher
  • Integrative Wellness & Life Coach
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing I & II
  • SEO
  • Volunteer Management

Family Life

I currently reside in Des Moines, Iowa, with my husband, our son, our black cat, and a spirited little ferret girl. We are a busy little family with lots of interests and activities. I serve on my son’s school’s PTO Board and lead a 4-H club as well. I love doing mixed media art projects, tending to my plants and gardens, and game nights with friends and family.

The Journey Continues

I’m thrilled to have you along for the ride as we explore, connect, and grow together. Your story and experiences are just as important to me, so be sure to share your name and email address at the top right of the page so we can start our journey of connection.

From the heart,
Amber Diehm Heuer

About Soul Bright Visionary

"Where Inner Light Shines Out"

SBV's Guiding Purpose

We have a planet full of people who have the capacity to contribute positively to themselves and the world. Imagine what is possible for humanity and our planet if each individual recognized their inner light, connected with their spiritual essence, and harnessed their unique gifts and potential to collectively create a world filled with compassion, harmony, and boundless possibilities for a brighter, more sustainable future.

SBV's Guiding Vision

Soul Bright Visionary envisions a future where spiritually open-minded individuals from all walks of life are deeply connected to their inner light, where their spiritual essence shines brightly, and where they confidently use their unique gifts to make a positive impact, creating a planet filled with compassion, harmony, and boundless possibilities.

SBV's Guiding Mission

Through psychic readings, Reiki classes, transformative programs, and like-minded communities, Soul Bright Visionary inspires a vibrant community of spiritually open-minded individuals to explore their inner light, connect with their spiritual essence, and find creative + aligned ways to use their unique gifts, for a meaningful, joyful, and spirit-full life and a deep sense of interconnectedness and belonging here on the planet.

SBV's History

Soul Bright Visionary’s story is a beautiful tapestry of growth, transformation, and the unwavering pursuit of personal and spiritual enlightenment.

Birth of Celebrate Your Path (April 16, 2014): Celebrate Your Path was my first venture, a platform dedicated to helping individuals uncover their unique gifts and embark on a journey of self-discovery. At the heart of this endeavor was my e-course, “Ignite Your Dreams: The Bucket List Quest”.

Integration of Spiritual Offerings (2014 – 2016): As I delved deeper into my own spiritual growth, I incorporated spiritual services such as oracle card readings, psychic readings, and animal spirit guide webinars and readings.

Rebrand as Soul Bright Visionary (2016): In 2016, I embarked on a significant rebranding journey, launching Soul Bright Visionary LLC, encompass the idea of helping spiritually open-minded individuals explore, connect, and grow.

Holistic Iowa (2023): In 2023, I further extended my reach and impact by introducing Holistic Iowa, a platform designed to connect Iowans with local holistic, wellness, and spiritual providers and events. 

The history of Soul Bright Visionary is a testament to my commitment to continuous growth and transformation. From CYP to SBV and the creation of Holistic Iowa, I’ve always strived to provide guidance, support, and inspiration to individuals seeking a more meaningful, spirit-full life. My journey is a reflection of the beautiful stories and transformations of those I’ve had the privilege to serve.

SBV's Guiding Values

  1. Encouragement: I commit to providing unwavering support and encouragement to every individual on their unique spiritual journey. I will never dampen or discourage their path, choices, or beliefs.
  2. Respect and Honor: I deeply respect and honor the individual, valuing their experiences, feelings, and perspectives. I believe in the importance of every person’s journey and will never belittle or dismiss their thoughts, ideas, or experiences.
  3. Invitation to Exploration: I believe that each person’s truth is a personal and evolving journey. I invite individuals to explore their own inner light and spiritual essence, guiding them but never imposing my beliefs upon them.
  4. Joy and Love: I believe that a spirit-full life is one filled with joy and love, and prioritize creating an environment of joy and love,
  5. Highest Good and Best Interests: I commit to creating, guiding, and serving from a place of my own, my family’s, and my clients’ highest good and best interests. I act with the intention of making a positive impact.
  6. Philanthropic Service: I am dedicated to serving philanthropically and giving back to my community. I believe in the power of contributing positively to the world around me.
  7. Co-Creation with Spirit: I work in harmony with Spirit to develop programs, content, readings, and other offerings. I believe in the divine collaboration that leads to meaningful and transformative experiences.
  8. Collaboration with Partners: I seek out partnerships and collaborations to expand the reach and impact of my mission. Together, we can create a network of support for those seeking a spirit-full life.
  9. Integrity and Honesty: I do my work honestly, maintaining integrity and transparency in all my interactions and offerings.
  10. Cultural Respect and Anti-Appropriation: I respect and honor diverse cultures, working to learn about cultural appropriation to ensure the respectful practice of spirituality and holistic wellness.
  11. Support for Marginalized Groups: I stand in support of marginalized communities including the LGBTQ+ community, providing a safe and welcoming space for all.
  12. Empowering Women-Owned Businesses: I actively support and uplift women-owned businesses, especially in our home state of Iowa, contributing to the empowerment of women entrepreneurs.
  13. Embracing Our Bright Lights: I see, embrace, support, and nurture my own bright light, as well as those of my family and friends, encouraging the radiance within us all.