Reiki Protocol for Food Poisoning

Oh no… You took a leap of faith at that buffet or gambled on questionable leftovers. Now, your digestive system is staging a full-blown riot. Whether you’re glued to the bathroom or curled up on the couch in a battle of wills with your stomach, Reiki can help soothe the chaos.

Here’s a simple Reiki protocol to help you ride out this storm.

Step 1: Set the Scene (and don't forget your water bottle!)

  • Hydrate! Your body is losing fluids fast, and you need to keep it replenished.
  • Get cozy—find a place to sit or lie down where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Take a deep breath and remember: This, too, shall pass (apologies for the pun).

Step 2: Activate Reiki and Set Your Intention

  • Place your hands together in Gassho (palms together) and focus on the Reiki flow.
  • Say out loud or silently: “I channel Reiki energy to calm my stomach and digestive system, restore balance, and support my immune system in clearing this discomfort.”

Step 3: Hand Positions

1. Calm the Stomach and Digestive System:
Place your hands directly over your solar plexus (above the belly button). Feel the warmth and energy entering the digestive tract. Visualize soothing waves of energy washing away turbulence. Hold this position for 5-10 minutes, or longer if it feels right.

2. Aid Absorption of Water and Nutrients:
Move your hands to the sides of your lower abdomen, near the intestines. Visualize your body lovingly absorbing hydration and nutrients from any fluids or gentle foods you’ve managed to ingest. Hold for 5 minutes.

3. Restful Sleep Support:
Place one hand gently on your forehead and the other on the top of your head (crown chakra). Visualize calming energy relaxing your mind, easing nausea, and encouraging deep, restorative rest. Hold for 5 minutes.

4. Boost the Immune System:
Place your hands over your heart center. Picture your immune cells like tiny superheroes getting a power-up from Reiki energy. Imagine them zooming through your bloodstream, targeting and clearing out whatever’s wreaking havoc. Stay here for 5 minutes or more.

Step 4: Stay Present with Reiki Throughout the Day

Even between bathroom trips, you can use Reiki to keep supporting yourself:

  • Quick Recharge: Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your heart for a minute or two whenever you feel overwhelmed.
  • Boost Water Absorption: Reiki your water before drinking it. Place your hands around the bottle or glass and set the intention: “May this water hydrate and restore balance to my body.”
  • Help with Rest: Use the forehead + crown chakra hand placement again when lying down to relax into sleep.

Step 5: Take It Easy

Food poisoning is your body’s way of saying, “Bad idea. Let’s reset.” Reiki can help speed the process, but don’t skip on practical care:

  • Stick to bland, easy-to-digest foods when you’re ready: crackers, bananas, or plain rice.
  • Keep hydrating, even if it’s tiny sips.

And remember, Reiki is here to soothe the storm, but your body’s natural healing mechanisms are the real MVPs. Reiki just gives them a nudge in the right direction!

Reiki Protocol for Food Poisoning

At some point during this ordeal, you’ll have a moment where you think, “I will NEVER eat [that food] again.” Keep this promise—for at least a week.

You’ve got this, Reiki friend. Here’s to healing, hydration, and learning life lessons from questionable food choices.

Haven't Learned Reiki Yet?

Reiki is a multi-functional tool to have in your healing toolkit! If you haven’t heard of it before, or have been curious about learning how to work with Reiki energy, find more information about the practice and my Reiki classes here.

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4 Steps to Neutralize Anxiety

In this video I’m sharing a technique I’ve been working with in the past couple of weeks with anxiety. It could also be useful for physical pain, grief, anger, even distraction / attention issues.
To sum up the process:
1. ASK AND LISTEN. Ask your anxiety (pain, anger, grief, etc.) what is going on for it. Listen to the responses that come up for you.
2. VALIDATE. Validate each thing that comes up. For example, “Yes. I AM really tired,” “Yes, I DO wish someone could take over on this,” “Yes, this IS really hard.”
3. CONTINUE UNTIL DONE. Continue asking it (and by “it” I mean your inner self that has something going on) what’s going on until it (your inner self) has shared everything that’s going on at the moment.

4. INVITE INTO HEALING. Invite your inner self into a healing modality or grounding technique. Here is a helpful resource for this:

Let me know if you try this out and it’s helpful for you!