
Celebrate Your Blessings

Every month is a perfect month for relishing in the energy of Gratitude and Thankfulness. Join me for a heart-touching 30-day challenge where we’ll celebrate our blessings every single day!

1. Each day for the next 30 days, take a few moments to genuinely feel into something for which you’re grateful.

2. Explore why you’re grateful for it, or exactly what makes you grateful for it. Don’t stop with, “I’m grateful for my spouse,” when what you really mean is, “I’m so grateful for how cherished and connected I feel when my sweetheart holds my hand while we’re out on a walk.”

3. Bring your gratitude to life. Draw it. Write it. Sing it. Sculpt it with Play-Doh. Interpretive-dance it. Act it out in a one-person play. It doesn’t matter how; just bring it into life. Give it form.

4. Share it. Especially with anyone that played a part in it being so special to you. Spread that love far and wide, baby.

You can choose to share gratitude for whatever you want!

If you’d like daily prompts, you can register for a digital version of Celebrate Your Blessings by entering your name and email address in the form to the right. (Registering for this will also subscribe you to my email newsletter. You may opt-out at any time.)

There is no cost to participate!

This is just about gratitude. Feeling into gratitude. Experiencing the glow of gratitude. Living in gratitude. Simple as that.

What might a month spent in Gratitude bring to your life?

Again, sign up here for the 30-day challenge by entering your name and email address in the box at the top right of this page.

I am grateful for YOU!